Mid Life Running

by Alison Doyle

I started running again when I was 55. I signed up for a 10k to celebrate my 55 birthday. I walked and ran the 10 k in 1:39 but I think I can go faster than this.

I suffer from low mood swings and find that running helps lift my moods. It also gives me self esteem, as I have younger friends who I know can't run 100 meters.

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Jun 14, 2017
Fighting spirit Alison
by: Nicole

Alison I really admire you for taking the plunge to start running. It is not easy when you are feeling down but as you say running really can help clear all that brain fog and lift your spirits.
I have younger friends too who don't do any exercise at all but I am secretly hoping that one day they will join me for a run ;). Best of luck with your running journey.

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