by Michael
(Tempe, Arizona)
Some 30 or 40 years ago when I was college age and running, I knew even then I'm doing a great thing. Whenever I go for a physical at my doctors office he always acts amazed at the shape I'm in for my age (late 60s....) I love that! I have to be honest, I'm not that athletic! I run my own pace and also go to my neighborhood gym (Mountainside) and lift weights... I started running back in metro Detroit, Michigan- where I grew up... a that time (the early 1980s) I had little money and tried to do as much as I could for free.
The best thing about running is that you really don't have to be "athletic"... I'm not. I don't run that fast. I'm not super tall and super lean..I'm only 5'9" and I weigh around 165 lbs.... Some of my weight is from muscular growth weight lifting at my gym. But not a lot.
The thing I like best about running is that you don't have to be fast! You just have to be out there trying.. I walk when I feel like I have to walk, and I run whenever I feel that I can actually "run". And I always run holding my I-phone in my hand and listening to music I've downloaded. It's amazing the motivation it gives me!
-- mike --
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